Nomination Process
If you wish to compete in Riata's roping events added or guaranteed payouts, it is required that your horse be nominated,
and the yearly nomination fee be paid prior to roping at an event. The Riata nomination adds value to every horse and must be
maintained every year for horses with the potential to compete as well as those competing.
Required Registration: Nominated horses must provide registration papers from one of the following stock registries.
"Pending" registrations must be updated when received.
- AQHA (American Quarter Horse Association)
- APHA (American Paint Horse Association)
- ApHC (Appaloosa Horse Club)
Yearly Nomination Fees for Progeny added during its year of birth, or for any age Progeny of first year Stallions:
- $205 - FOAL born in 2025: 1/1/2025-12/31/2025 (must be paid by 12/31).
- $305 - All Non-foal nominations $100 discount applied if paid or postmarked on or before 7/15/2025 ($205).
- $505 - Nomination fee if you missed the prior year nomination, PLUS $305 for each year missed (see example below).
Payment Methods/Processing:
Email or Mailed Nominations:
- Please use a current form and send with a copy of the horse registration papers.
- Weanlings or pending registrations: Registration papers are not needed at the time of nomination.
Please email the Registration number to once it is assigned.
- If you are a new registered owner, please email transfer forms and/or updated registrations.
- Mail:
- Personal check, wires or credit cards accepted if mailed
- Mail to: Riata Buckle, LLC, PO Box 220 Hooper, UT 84315
- Email:
Phone Nominations:
- Call 801-447-5565
- Please have your horse registration number available
- Credit card payment required. (All fees paid by credit card will be charged a 4% non-refundable convenience fee.)
Nomination Rules
- Any horse sired by a current or former Riata Stallion is eligible.
- One nomination payment of $305 (discounted $100 if paid on or before July 15, $205) is due each year per horse
to remain eligible to enter and compete for the guaranteed or added money at the Riata Events. (See missed nomination rules below.)
- Current nominations move with the horse regardless of change of ownership.
- Nomination payments are non-transferable from one horse to another.
- Nomination fees are non-refundable for any reason.
Yearly Nomination Rules for Progeny from Stallions that are no longer Riata Stallions:
- Remain nominated if nomination fees are not missed.
- In utero foals bred to a departing stallion and are born the following year are eligible if nominated within year of birth.
- Progeny born during and before stallions that departed the program are eligible if late nomination payments are received.
- Rebreeds: In the case of nominating a foal that is the result of a contract rebreed to a stallion who is no longer on the Riata
Stallion List will be eligible with a copy of the breeding contract and a letter from the stallion owner verifying the foal was a result
of a rebreed applied from the year the stallion was a part of the Riata Stallion List must be provided.
Missed Nomination Rules
If a foal or horse is Not nominated (or payment is not received) by Dec 31 of their birth year,
or in the case of new stallions, all eligible progeny Not nominated first year of their eligibility,
they may be nominated into the Riata according to the payment schedule listed below.
- Offspring must be nominated the year of their birth. If a Riata eligible horse is
not nominated the year of birth, the following year nomination fee is $505 (no discounts),
plus the year missed nomination fee of $305.
- If you missed the nomination for multiple years, you must pay $505 (no discounts) for the current year nomination and pay
$305 "catch up" nomination payments for each year since the stallion entered the program.
- Nominations are non-transferrable to another horse and are non-refundable.
Download the 2025 Nomination Form (pdf)
Nomination and Missed Nomination Fee Calculation Examples:
Following are examples of a variety of horse nominations, varying ages and sires.
Current year or a first-year stallion:
- Any foal born in current year:
- $205, FOAL born in 2025 1/1/2025-12/31/2025 (must be paid by 12/31).
- Any foal born or first year Stallion's progeny in current year:
- $305, discounted $100 if paid on or before July 15, ($205).
- Fees for 2025 Riata horses who skipped or missed one year (2024)
- $505 current year nomination (no discount for early payment)
- $305 "catch-up" nomination fee for year missed.
- Fees for 2025 Riata horses entering program who missed two years of nominations:
- $505 for current year nomination (no discount for early payment)
- $610 for 2023 and 2024 ($305 two years of "catch-up" nominations
- Fees for 2025 Riata horses entering program who missed three or more years of nominations:
- $505 for current year nomination (no discount for early payment)
- $915 for 2022, 2023, and 2024 ($305 three years of "catch-up" nominations ( Catch-up nominations may not exceed $1525)