
June Newsletter

May 21, 2024

Have you ever roped in a roping where over half the purse is ADDED?

Riata will pay $3 Million this year with $1.6 Million Added

Riata became the third richest roping in the world and the largest WSTR qualifier last year in the first 24 months! If team counts are the same as last year, expect this one to pay $3.6 million. Here are a few items to consider. 

1. AND IT'S NOT JUST $1.6 MILLION ADDED, we have guaranteed another $200,000 in Bonus money and Riata Championship entry fees in mini-qualifiers around the country. As the bonus program grows, we will award more and more "guaranteed" money at jackpots around the country for those of you riding a Riata. The first mini-qualifier is in the 12.5 Heartland on May 31st at Mt. Pleasant. You can enter the side pot online at the website and NOMINATE your horse at the same time.

2. THE RIATA CHAMPIONSHIPS date is September 25th – 29th, 2024, books close August 31st . The new date keeps us out of the cold and allows two arenas for everything but the Pro Futurity and breakaway.

3. THE NOMINATOR BONUS starts in 2024 with the 10% Breeder Bonus changing to Nominator Bonus.  The 10% Nominator Bonus goes to winners riding a Riata and is the first person or entity who nominates a Riata Buckle eligible offspring. This should encourage anyone purchasing a Riata "eligible" horse who wants to train, rope, or even resell, to go ahead and nominate a Riata. If someone leaves a horse merely "eligible," we want the rising bonus money to go people who are investing in these horses.

4. RIATA SHOWCASE HORSE SALE! Livestreaming begins Sunday morning, December 8, South Point, Las Vegas, starting with the Riata Horse Sale, featuring 50 top horses, hand selected to showcase in front of the most engaged set of buyers in the industry. True to the gambling spirit of Las Vegas, all the Calcutta teams from the Open to the World will be auctioned with the horses. The Ariat WSTR's Riata Open to the World Finale will follow the sale, providing five rounds of high-stakes action inside the South Point. Of course, this is Vegas, and maybe, just maybe, there might be a little entertainment mixed in there somewhere.  Starting in 2025 A $100,000 horse sale incentive, for horses purchased here, will be awarded to thehighest earning rope horses at the Riata Championships. Don't wait, get your horse signed up at

5. ONLY ONE RIATA HORSE NECESSARY FOR OPEN FUTURITY AND FUTURITY INCENTIVES - We have dropped the requirement that both horses meet the age requirement to be in the Pro Futurity or compete in a Futurity Incentive. Guaranteed Futurity Incentive money will be split evenly between head horses and heel horses, and the holes paid will be based on their respective rankings.

6. BREAKAWAY TO PAY $250,000 which includes $50,000 guaranteed money paid in the 5-year-old incentive.  This most certainly will be one of the richest breakaway ropings in the country and is a grand experiment collaborating efforts between Riata, Pink Buckle, and Ruby Buckle. Breakaway ropers riding nominated progeny from any of these three stallion incentives will be eligible to enter. The Riata short round format plus the big money should reveal the real potential in a stallion incentive program for breakaway roping horses.

7. RIATA COWGIRL STEER STOPPING – there are over 4,000 active lady ropers in this country and growing, 90% headers. We think there is real potential here for Riata head horses.

8. NOMINATE ONLINE – Riata horses may be nominated online when you enter a mini-qualifier or the Riata Championships. If you have multiple horses you can download nomination forms at the website.

9. THE PROXY/HELPER PROGRAM - The proxy program will continue for Riata Buckle nominated horses 3 years old and younger with a couple of rule changes:

  • Proxy/helper horses are not allowed in the Pro Futurity. Additionally, proxy horses are not allowed in the Junior roping, or the #8.5 Roping.
  • One of the two contestants within a team using a proxy must be the owner of record of the 3-year and under Riata. You cannot loan or borrow a nominated progeny.  A registration application on a pending colt will be required to show proof to ride a proxy.
  • In Utero proxy has been eliminated.
  • Proxy horses will be eligible for equal payoffs including added money, less a 20% commission.

Did we forget to mention the most important detail, if you want to play this exciting new game, it can be done in several ways. You obviously can buy a Riata rope horse, borrow one, rent one, or ... You can buy a 3-year-old or younger Riata to train and in the meantime ride your registered non-Riata rope horse (proxy, provided your partner is riding a Riata).


Details ~ Roping Information | Nomination Rules | Enter a Mini-Qualifier