
Riata Payout is up a Million!!

Oct 23, 2024

Thanks to everyone who joined in on the fun at the Riata Championships! We hope you agree that there is no better roping anywhere that ropes for this amount of money, with limited teams, on $500 and $800 entry fees. First and foremost, our goal is to promote Riata stallions and the proliferation of quality rope horses, driven by this world class roping becoming the 3rd richest roping event in the world in just 24 months. During Riata's short existence over $9M in earnings have been recorded for Riata stallions. And guess what, that's how much has been put in roper's pockets. The million-dollar increase over last year is a true sign that Riata is established and locked-in as one of the top Do-Not-Miss roping events in the country.  Of the $3,664,600 paid, over $1.6 M of that was from added money. In case you're wondering, that is 80 cents ADDED for every entry-fee dollar.

Riata offered up a trial of Ariat WSTR Super Qualifiers (via Riata horses) each afternoon. These events were not pre-advertised much and were slipped in at the last minute when it was clear we had the time by deciding to run two arenas. The end result on these added events was another $138,000 in "earnings" for horses that participated, and an added bonus was that a lot of ropers qualified for the Finale. WSTR has agreed to at least four divisions next year.

The Super Qualifiers weren't the only trial divisions offered as Riata.   The Cowgirl Steer Stopping was introduced and a big hit, paying $40K with just about 100 ladies entered. The 8.5 Riata Championships was also a hit with 140 teams entered and will be back for 2025.


You can see the full story from Team Roping Journal here on the website, in addition to the full coverage which will appear in the December issue of the Team Roping Journal. The issue will cover the winning horses in detail, not to mention the cowboys and cowgirls who these horses carried to the winner's circle. The Riata Stallion Incentive will announce all its changes for the 2025 season including location and dates for the entire Bonus Side-Pot program that will be back by popular demand. That program is far from over in 2024, there is $80,000 guaranteed for those of you who plan to enter the Riata Bonus side pots at the Finale. Riata also added $50,000 to the Ariat WSTR Riata Buckle Open to the World event.   The first Riata Showcase Horse Sale will debut at South Point Equestrian, on Sunday, December 8. This sale will showcase rope horses and rope horse prospects from many of Riata's great stallions.

Again, our sincere thanks for your participation and please don't forget to NOMINATE all your current and future Riata rope horses before December 31st, 2024, to avoid any late payment fees or penalties next year. It's time to turn in all your winnings, Riata Horse Team Roping earnings at any roping won during the 2024 season for Qdata and Equistat.  

Download the earnings form here!